Hey Gaz, from memory it took us about 6hrs to drive from alice to finke or make that 23 cans of rockstar one bottle of bourbon (for the passengers only of course) one broken exhaust one dead kangaroo and 5 bottom outs ( suspension bottom outs that is) that was in the v8 coaster and enclosed thrailer, Wanna hitch a ride this year?
It`s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
if you pull your digit out and have no problems 5to6 hours down on race track at noon if you havent got to the finke you must turn around and go back (one way morning back afternoon) if you go back via the road it is also 5to6 hours
Hey wolf why is it whenever you mention driving in the outback I picture you driving an F100 looking for hitchhikers ???? I can hear that crazy WOLF creek laugh
Wolf ,ok everyone knows your going to finke now and goodluck.My advice is don"t waste 9 hours out of your life you will never get back trying to look at 220+ kms of sand,rocks and not much more.On race day all you have taken in will be out the window because all you will see is people,advertising,blo-up dolls hanging from trees,bare chests and all sorts of antics from the sideline.My advice is a r+t from the shop and a few beers at bo"s
From going to finke last year and not ever being there before, i thought that doing a recce of the course was a great advantage, sure it all looks similar but you will be amazed at how much you remember of the track, i would not race on a track i have not done a reconnaissance on!
sorry danny but a race that long i prefer to drive the race as i see it without a recon then you have no mix ups and thinking you know that piece of track but im not as smart as wolf he would have photograhic memory(somethings anyway)
hey gaz do the first 30 or 40 k and then drive back along the dirt road to alice.... just don`t spend all night drinking in the casino the night before, cause you`ll get sea sick... i know trust me.....
It`s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
well nige seeing as the fast guys are now doing it in just under 2hrs and they start at about 7 am i think and its going to take you 5 to 6hrs to drive the road, you`re looking at about 3am.... Which will be about the time i`m leaving the casino.....
It`s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
Once the race starts you cannot get all the way along the acess road alongside the track. You can however get from Alice to Finke by going 270 km down the South Stuart Highway to Kulgera then travelling about 150km on the dirt to Finke.