Some one told me the powers that be are looking at us all fitting cameras and screens in our cars.
I thought what a stupid idea but wait why not use them in single seaters these guys have enough to deal with. I chased a guy at Finke for about 5 k's horn blowing lights flashing he didn't know i was there then when he did see me he stopped so fast i nearly hit him up the choofer. I don't want to spend some one elses money but its not a bad idea?
We have talked about fitting one but a quality one is a lot of $$$$ and the crap from Supercheap wouldnt last 5 mins. Is there anyone out there running one now that can shed a bit of light on the subject ?
95% of the money I ever earned I spent on drugs, alcohol and hookers. The rest I wasted.
A screen on the dash is only as good as mirrors if your goin to use them,and if people arnt using there mirrors then there's nothing to make them look at the rear facing tv screen either. I've done two events in my single seater and had no trouble with using mirrors and letting faster cars go by,coming from a 2 seater buggy i thought it would be hard but it isnt really.
'Limited view' is not the problem. Its the 'limited minds' of some (a very small minority) that just refuse to pull over! camera or warning system will ever stop that sort of driver from destroying someone elses chances of placing well due to their negligence.
1) build a stop go penalty or retrospective penalty into sup regs for failing to allow a faster car to overtake and get some officials who are ready, willing and able to enforce it. Suffer the pain when you start pinging people but eventually they will take notice.
2) if someone catches you it is better to let them past. you will both go faster as they get by and you get to worry about what is in front of you and not what is behind you and you will drive cleaner and faster.
3) Jet has one in his buggy. Haven't asked him how it goes for vision compared to a mirror?
I know a few people have in the past run reverse cameras and screens voluntarily and found them useless as soon as you get that layer of dust and the sunlight hits the screen.
Dad found Finke was great with a UHF channel for the cars where he was able to tell the car in front he was there and it moved over for him.
its more training people to turn their heads every time you turn left or right,i havent done much racing and still look to see if any ones catching,last race i was in finish mode after spizz was out and caught sight of cars behind me and knew whats happening around me,my navigator is new to the sport and wasnt turning his head at all,we had a talk after the heat and he said he was watching the camera,the camera only shows what is right behind you , turning your head you can plan where and how you can pull over safely(or in our case i just drove a bit harder)half the mishaps are from forced actions,forget the cameras turn your heads,
Camrea is the bomb. 7" screen, can see it in sunlight, etc with dust on it etc. I would never run a single seat again without it, makes it very easy to see what's happened behind without having to take your focus off whats happening infront.
Managed to take a snapshot as i overtook Dave.
-- Edited by Jet109 on Thursday 7th of July 2011 12:42:53 AM
-- Edited by Jet109 on Thursday 7th of July 2011 12:44:11 AM
haha. The middle dash is the original bike cluster, seemed silly to remove that. fits in perfect, and has everything and more you would need. then I added a oil pressure gauge, and have a spare gauge hole for later down the track, half of the 'switches' are resettable fuses.