spring centers have been know to fail , but they give a small amount of dampening on the gearbox ,
the full ring pads would only be in organic , which wont last long in offroad , with the 6 pads you have more serface area = more grip , can run lighter pressure plate ,but harsher engagment ,
kennedy enginerreing clutch kit seem to do the trick ,
were we're goin we dont need roads.
it's not the speed of life that scares me, it's the sudden stop at the end ,
I have the same driveline in my buggy and will be fitting a Kennedy Stage 2 with a 4 Puck with a sprung centre. A stage 1 is great if the Kombi box isn't heavily modified as it won't be as harsh.
adelaide clutchs did my clutch,they said 4 puck was the bitey clutch and the 6 puck more friendly and better wearing,either works fine,kennedy probably the best value for money,just dont go too heavy,