Hi All
Myself and a couple of friends have been building superlite buggies
and have decided to start a superlite club in nsw
next week i lodge the paperwork with fair trading to reserve the name and make the club a legal entity
should be final about mid may
then we can affiliate with cams, Organise insurance etc.
we spoke with the guys at colo heights about a year ago about taking our buggies there and they
where happy to work with us to get something running there
we will also be approaching speedways around sydney/nsw about exhibitons/halftime entertainment events
and have been in contact with superlite and other motorsport clubs in qld and vic and here in nsw
who would be more than happy to have us at there tracks
we are aiming for 4-5 events a yr
so if your interested in joining us let me know here or on my email superlites@outlook.com
or Nsw Superlites on fb
All the best. Hope its all coming together for you. See you soon up at Colo